Pleasure VS Productivity - Issue 9 - 15th May 2022
As I am writing, we are beginning to transition from global pandemic to a world that is simply living with the fact that COVID-19 is part of our world. It’s 2022 and two years ago the whole world locked down in silence. Themajority of humans, globally, stayed inside their homes if they were lucky enough to have one, without any outside human contact other than themselves or again, if they were lucky, their loved ones. Some of us were lucky enough to still be receiving salaries, some were not so lucky. Some still had to go to work in order to keep the world turning and some had the luxury of having the option to sit on the couch all day binge-watching Netflix and eating thevery foods that would make them more susceptible to illness from COVID-19. I was in the latter camp but I did not sit on the couch binge-watching Netflix and eating rubbish…for the most part. Like some in a similar position to me, I took this time and made the most of it and started working on projects I had been putting off due to time constraints.