Everything Happens For a Reason? - Issue 5 - 17th April 2022
This week, I want to speak about an adage many people employ in their lives to produce comfort: “Everything happens for a reason.” Many religions employ similar beliefs; some higher power has made an event occur for a reason of their choosing. I don’t believe this to be true. I believe the world is full of natural causes, correlations and events that occur out-with our control and it is not some higher entity that makes it so, but rather nature. I’m not saying that we cannot find meaning in an event, just that there is not an objective reason for it. We must produce our own meaning. The harsh reality is that the world does not care about you. Your life is infinitesimally tiny. Many have lived before and many will live after you so why would there be some mystical reason for you not getting that job you interviewed for. It’s unintentional arrogance to believe that some higher entity cares about you, in the grand scheme of things.