I have always had an avid interest in communication, the behaviours of individuals, and the cultural and societal factors that motivate people. I am fascinated in the historical links between the way events and people from the past have shaped our dynamic and ever changing world today. Throughout history, society has had an insatiable thirst for knowledge and information. Historians, biographers, academics and innumerable philosophers have sought to provide this.
Currently, I work full-time as a sales associate in Edinburgh to fund my studies and creative endeavours. I previously volunteered for Crew2000, a drug and sexual health charity striving to provide harm reducing information and support to those who need it most.
I studied Journalism Studies at Edinburgh Napier University. This degree has given me a broad understanding of the field of which I am entering. It has fleshed out various skills and talents I have such as documentary making and feature writing. These skills are extremely transferable to the freelance jobs I want to pursue in the future.
My music writing at LoveMusicLoveLife has embellished my skills as an interviewer and music reviewer. My writing for EN4 News has improved my ability to write feature articles as well as my skills commentating on news articles and controversial topics in front of a camera.
In 2019, I studied Digital Society at Edinburgh University which furthered my knowledge of the society we live in and how it affects us. It also sparked interests in social media, male mental health and drug policy.
In 2020 I studied Philosophy at the University of Glasgow, with particular interests in free will, punishment and responsibility.
Lastly, as you will see in the Video/Audio pages, I host and create a podcast entitled In Context in which I speak with academics, business owners, authors, podcasters, motivational speakers, journalists and more about a wide range of subjects that I believe should be spoken about. I strive to converse in an open and non-judgemental manner in order to delve deep into these topics. I do not aim to only speak with those I agree with, but instead yearn to broaden my own and my listener’s perspectives by engaging with people from all walks of life with varying political views. I also have these conversations last at least more than 30 minutes as it is impossible to achieve any kind of depth in under 30 minutes, especially when the topics of conversations are as controversial as race and gender issues, free will, politics and addiction ( to name a few topics covered so far).
Thank you for taking the time to browse my website and work. My only hope is that you take something with you, such as a new perspective, new knowledge or even a laugh.