The Power of Boredom - Issue 2 - 27th March 2022
I want to talk about the power of boredom, space and capacity. Our constantly and ever-changing world moves at speeds that we cannot keep up with. Our minds were not built for staring at screens, communicating through technology and constant distractions. Our minds were built for running, hunting, true connection with other human beings in person, eating nutritious and healthy foods, being outside in nature and being within ourselves, in our minds, with little distractions. To repeat a question I have asked before: so what happens when we place these brains that were built for the above and place them in our modern world? Like I have said previously, we become fragile, lazy and timid but we are also so distracted and obsessed by screens and the content of them that we have lost meaning and purpose. We have forgotten what is truly important. We have traded our mental well-being for likes, retweets and the next car or handbag or pair of shoes to impress the other people glued to their screens. All of this just to prove that our lives have meaning, purpose and happiness. It’s ironic that this constant battle to prove that we have meaning is making our lives meaningless. Trying to find meaning on a screen is like trying to find your wallet whilst its in your hand. You had it along. You already have the capacity to find meaning and you don’t need a screen to find it.